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説明は mhonarch -help と入力する


版数を調べるには、次のように -v を付ける
> mhonarc -v
  MHonArc v2.5.14 (Perl 5.006001 netbsd)
  Copyright (C) 1995-2002  Earl Hood,
  MHonArc comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY and MHonArc may be copied only
  under the terms of the GNU General Public License, which may be found in
  the MHonArc distribution.
> mhonarc -v
  MHonArc v2.6.3 (Perl 5.006001 netbsd)
  Copyright (C) 1995-2003  Earl Hood,
  MHonArc comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY and MHonArc may be copied only
  under the terms of the GNU General Public License, which may be found in
  the MHonArc distribution.


Usage:  mhonarc [<options>] <mailfolder> ...
        mhonarc -rmm [<options>] <msg> ...
        mhonarc -annotate [-notetext <text>] <msg> ...

  MHonArc is a highly customizable Perl program for converting mail,
  encoded with MIME, into HTML archives.  MHonArc supports the conversion
  of UUCP-style mailbox files and MH style mail folders.  The -single
  option can be used to convert a single mail message to standard output.

  Read the full documentation included with the distribution, or at
  <>, for more complete usage information.

  Only command-line options are summarized here.  See documentation
  for information about resource file elements and environment variables.

  -add                     : Add message(s) to archive
  -afs                     : Skip archive directory permission check
  -addressmodifycode <exp> : Perl expressions for modifying addresses
  -annotate                : Add an annotation to message(s)
  -archive                 : Generate archive related files (the default)
  -authsort                : Sort messages by author
  -checknoarchive          : Check for "no archive" flags in messages
  -conlen                  : Honor Content-Length fields
  -datefields <list>       : Fields to determine the date of a message
  -decodeheads             : Decode decode-only charset data when reading mail
  -definevar <varlist>     : Define custom resource variables
  -dbfile <name>           : Name of MHonArc database file
  -dbfileperms <octal>     : File permissions for database file
                             (def: "0660" -- UMASK is still applied)
  -doc                     : Print link to doc at end of index page
  -docurl <url>            : URL to MHonArc documentation
                             (def: "")
  -editidx                 : Edit/change index page(s) and messages, only
  -expiredate <date>       : Message cut-off date
  -expireage <secs>        : Time from current when messages expire
  -fileperms <octal>       : File permissions for archive files
                             (def: "0666" -- UMASK is still applied)
  -folrefs                 : Print links to follow-ups/references
  -force                   : Perform archive operations even if unable to lock
  -fromfields <list>       : Fields to detemine whom the message is from
  -genidx                  : Output index to stdout based upon archive contents
  -gmtdatefmt <fmt>        : Format for GMT date
  -gzipexe <file>          : Pathname of Gzip executable
                             (def: "gzip")
  -gzipfiles               : Gzip files
  -gziplinks               : Add ".gz" to filenames in links
  -help                    : This message
  -htmlext <ext>           : Filename extension for generated HTML files
                             (def: "html")
  -iconurlprefix <url>     : Prefix for icon URLs
                             (def: "")
  -idxfname <name>         : Name of index page
                             (def: "maillist.html")
  -idxprefix <string>      : Filename prefix for multi-page main index
                             (def: "mail")
  -idxsize <#>             : Maximum number of messages shown in indexes
  -keeponrmm               : Do not delete message files when message is
                             removed from archive.
  -localdatefmt <fmt>      : Format for local date
  -lock                    : Do archive locking (default)
  -lockdelay <#>           : Time delay, in seconds, between lock tries
                             (def: "3")
  -locktries <#>           : Maximum number of tries in locking an archive
                             (def: "10")
  -mailtourl <url>         : URL to use for e-mail address hyperlinks
                             (def: "mailto:$TO$")
  -main                    : Create a main index
  -maxsize <#>             : Maximum number of messages allowed in archive
  -mhpattern <exp>         : Perl expression for message files in a directory
                             (def: "^\d+$")
  -modifybodyaddresses     : ADDRESSMODIFYCODE applies to text entities
  -modtime                 : Set modification time on files to message date
  -months <list>           : Month names
  -monthsabr <list>        : Abbreviated month names
  -msgpgs                  : Create message pages (the default)
  -msgprefix <prefix>      : Filename prefix for message HTML files
                             (def: "msg")
  -msgexcfilter <exp>      : Perl expression(s) for selective message exclusion
  -msgsep <exp>            : Message separator (Perl) regex for mbox files
                             (def: "^From ")
  -multipg                 : Generate multi-page indexes
  -news                    : Add links to newsgroups (the default)
  -noarchive               : Do not generate archive related files
  -noauthsort              : Do not sort messages by author
  -nochecknoarchive        : Ignore "no archive" flags in messages
  -noconlen                : Ignore Content-Length fields (the default)
  -nodecodeheads           : Leave message headers "as is" when read
  -nodoc                   : Do not print link to doc at end of index page
  -nofolrefs               : Do not print links to follow-ups/references
  -nogzipfiles             : Do not Gzip files (the default)
  -nogziplinks             : Do not add ".gz" to filenames in links
  -nokeeponrmm             : Delete message files when message is removed
                             from archive.
  -nolock                  : Do not lock archive
  -nomailto                : Do not add in mailto links for e-mail addresses
  -nomain                  : Do not create a main index
  -nomodtime               : Do not set mod time on files to message date
  -nomsgpgs                : Do not create message pages
  -nomultipg               : Do not generate multi-page indexes
  -nonews                  : Do not add links to newsgroups
  -noposixstrftime         : Do not use POSIX::strftime() to process time
                             format (the default)
  -noreconvert             : Do not reconvert existing messages (the default)
  -noreverse               : List messages in normal order (the default)
  -nosaveresources         : Do not save resource values in DB
  -nosort                  : Do not sort messages
  -nospammode              : Do not obfuscate addresses
  -nosubjectthreads        : Do not check subjects for threads

  -nosubjecttxt <text>     : Text to use if message has no subject
  -nosubsort               : Do not sort messages by subject
  -notetext <text>         : Text data of annotation if -annotation specified
  -nothread                : Do not create threaded index
  -notreverse              : List threads in order (the default)
  -notsort                 : List threads by ordered processed
  -notsubsort              : Do not list threads by subject
  -nourl                   : Do not make URL hyperlinks
  -otherindex <files>      : Other rcfile for extra index
  -outdir <path>           : Destination/location of HTML mail archive
                             (def: ".")
  -pagenum <page>          : Output specified page if -genidx and -multipg
  -perlinc <list>          : List of paths to search for MIME filters
  -posixstrftime           : Use POSIX::strftime() to process time formats
  -quiet                   : Suppress status messages during execution
  -rcfile <file>           : Resource file for MHonArc
  -reconvert               : Reconvert existing messages
  -reverse                 : List messages in reverse order
  -rmm                     : Remove messages from archive
  -savemem                 : Write message data while processing
  -saveresources           : Save resource values in DB (the default)
  -scan                    : List out archive contents to stdout
  -single                  : Convert a single message to HTML (no archive ops)
  -sort                    : Sort messages by date (the default)
  -spammode                : Obfuscate addresses
  -stderr <file>           : File to send stderr messages to
  -stdin <file>            : File to treat as standard input
  -stdout <file>           : File to send stdout messages to
  -subjectarticlerxp <rxp> : Regex for leading articles in subjects
  -subjectreplyrxp <rxp>   : Regex for leading reply string in subjects
  -subjectstripcode <exp>  : Perl expressions for modifying subjects
  -subjectthreads          : Check subjects for threads
  -subsort                 : Sort message by subject
  -thread                  : Create threaded index (the default)
  -tidxfname <name>        : Filename of threaded index page
                             (def: "threads.html")
  -tidxprefix <string>     : Filename prefix for multi-page thread index
                             (def: "thrd")
  -time                    : Print to stderr CPU time used to process mail
  -title <string>          : Title of main index page
                             (def: "Mail Index")
  -tlevels <#>             : Maximum # of nested lists in threaded index
                             (def: "3")
  -treverse                : List threads in reverse order
  -tslice <#:#:#>          : Set size of thread slice listing
  -tslicelevels <#>        : Maximum # of nested lists in thread slices
                             (def: TLEVELS resource value)
  -tsort                   : List threads by date (the default)
  -tsubsort                : List threads by subject
  -ttitle <string>         : Title of thread index page
                             (def: "Mail Thread Index")
  -umask <umask>           : Umask of MHonArc process (Unix only)
  -url                     : Make URL hyperlinks (the default)
  -v                       : Print version information
  -varregex <regex>        : Perl regex matching resource variables
  -weekdays <list>         : Weekday names
  -weekdaysabr <list>      : Abbreviated weekday names

  The following options can be specified multiple times: -definevar,
  -notetext, -otherindex, -perlinc, -rcfile.

  MHonArc v2.6.3 (Perl 5.006001 netbsd)
  Copyright (C) 1995-2003  Earl Hood,
  MHonArc comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY and MHonArc may be copied only
  under the terms of the GNU General Public License, which may be found in
  the MHonArc distribution.
Last Update: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 13:16:17 GMT 1.66 2008/03/08